Thursday (23rd) is Ernie Hodges’ 68th birthday. It is cause to celebrate because his is an impactful life. I doubt anyone could forget Ernie after meeting him – that booming voice and laugh set him apart. Besides this, there are, as I see it, six things that mark him as a man to admire and emulate.
First, Ernie is a man of initiative. He does not wait around for something to happen; he creates and pursues opportunities – not only for himself but including others too. Second, his initiative is largely demonstrated in servanthood. Ernie is passionate about helping others. This is probably why he chose to become a physician’s assistant. His life is missional. Third, I always love and appreciate the levity and winsomeness with which he approaches the circumstances and conversations of life.
Ernie is a hardworking man of many talents and interests. He is a husband, father, grandfather, educator, coach, athletic administrator, deacon, elder, Bible teacher, missionary, mission trip leader, physician’s assistant, and dabbles quite a bit in construction. Sixth, even as broadly talented as he is, Ernie is constantly desiring to learn. A teachable spirit is noble. I remember a few years back when he approached me about helping him learn Spanish so that he could communicate more effectively on his mission trips to Bolivia.
Finally, Ernie is a leader. His talent, ambition, love for God and others-focus makes him a man worthy to be followed. Hebrews 13:7 instructs us that those who have oversight in the church are to be men who demonstrate a faith to imitate. It makes sense that Ernie is an elder at Grace. Having been here so long and serving so humbly, eagerly, lovingly, and faithfully, he is a man worthy of our honor.
Though the outer man is wasting away, his inner man is renewed and refreshed day by day in the delight of his Creator/Redeemer. Ernie, we honor you, and celebrate with you the life of service that our Lord has entrusted to you. Thank you!
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