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“What can I expect if I join you on a Sunday morning?”

9AM - Adult Bible Fellowship classes, children’s Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, and nursery for ages 3 years old and younger.

We are an intentional community of grace that loves God, demonstrated by loving people in a culture of discipleship. Therefore, you can expect to feel like you’ve arrived to a family gathering of people who truly seek to love the Lord and love each other — and love you! We begin our Sunday mornings with Adult Bible Fellowship classes, children’s Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, and nursery for ages 3 years old and younger all meeting at 9AM. In these classes, you will find teachers from our own church body who are passionate about your growth in Christ and about the teaching of doctrine and theology — at all ages!

10AM - 11:30 AM Corporate worship service.

Classes end around 9:40AM and we enjoy catching up with each other as we then gather in the auditorium for our 10AM corporate worship service. During that service, you will experience singing together as a congregation, the reading of Scripture, times of prayer, the reading of credal confessions, and most importantly, we will hear the teaching of the Word of God together through expositional preaching. This worship service is an unhurried time in which we simply desire to direct our thoughts and hearts to God and seek to grow closer to Him both as individuals and as a local body of believers. To encourage worshipping together as a family, children ages four years old and up stay with us in the auditorium until the four year olds - 6 year olds are dismissed to children’s church just before the time of preaching.

What other times do you meet?”

Throughout the year we provide targeted seminar series to study and discuss how we live as salt and light in our world. Although there is usually something being offered every week, that is not always the case depending on other events happening at the church. It is best to check the “this week at Grace” link for current Sunday Night Seminars and their times.

We have a worship and celebration service dedicated exclusively to observing the Lord’s Table. We provide these services six times a year on Sunday evening. Participating in taking the elements of the Lord’s Table is open to all who have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation. If you have not made this decision yet you are certainly invited to attend and observe. Dates and times of these services are also posted on the “this week at Grace” page.