Grace Bible Church’s Children’s Ministry is an intentional community of grace that exists to partner with parents in discipling their children to the love of God and others.
Click here to read our Philosophy of Children’s Ministry

Assistant Pastor of Education: Adam King | Director of Children’s Education: Ellen Landreth


Mrs. Ball’s Class: Ages 4-5 years Old

Taught by Susan Ball, the four and five-year-old Sunday school class seeks to come alongside the parents and instruct the children with stories from the Old and New Testaments. Our desire is to help the children discover who God is, how much He loves them and to help them understand their need for His saving grace. The children learn memory verses and have a weekly worksheet to reinforce the lesson taught that day . They take home a paper that the parents can use to review the lesson and make application.

Click here to access a YouTube Playlist of lessons taught by Mrs. Ball.

Mr. Carmichael’s Class: Ages 6-9 years Old

Taught by Daniel Carmichael, this class is doing an Old Testament overview with an emphasis on showing how the entire Old Testament points to Christ's coming incarnation. We're spending time discussing how each leader in the OT is just a shadow or archetype of the perfect servant-leader that Christ will be when He arrives. Every account in the OT shows us our brokenness and reminds us of our need for a Messiah who will fix our mess. Class times are from 9-9:45 and are spent in review, lesson teaching/discussion and in memorization of our current memory verse. Kids can earn candy for verse memorization as well as answering particularly hard questions.

Mr. & Mrs. Jones’ Class: Ages 10-13 Years Old

Junior Teen Group (JTG), the “Bridge,” is a Sunday School class for boys and girls ages 10-13 years old taught by Nathan and Michelle Jones. We study the Bible in a survey fashion, from Genesis to Revelation. We focus on the metanarrative of Scripture and key themes in each book of the Bible, utilizing the Bible Project.

Children’s Church (Teacher roster rotates):

During the Sunday morning worship service at Grace, we provide a class for children ages 4-6 years old. The children begin with their parents in the worship service for the music portion of the service. Then, they are dismissed to go with the teachers downstairs for the sermon portion. Right now, the teachers are walking through the book by Sally Michaels called “God's Names”. The children are learning about one name of God each week, working from Elohim, found in Genesis, to Overcomer, found in Revelation. It has been a sweet time for both the children and the teachers learning more about God's beautiful identity and how it relates to His children! We would love to have your child join us!


Mrs. Ellen’s Class: Ages 4-6 Years Old

On Sunday evenings in Grace Kids, we are currently working through the curriculum written by Kevin DeYoung called "the Biggest Story." The goal of this curriculum is to help the children learn the big picture of the Bible, how there are recurring themes that all point to the need of our savior Jesus Christ. It does so in a very artistic manner that has been a joy to work through with the kids. We spend a good portion of our time in discussion in an attempt to aid the kids in grasping some big concepts at their level.

Mrs. Powell & Mrs. Brower’s Class: Ages 7-12 Years Old

We are so thankful for having the privilege of working with your children on Sunday evenings. Class consists of going through Apologia's Bible series. We are learning the timeline of the Bible with “Walk through the Bible” motions, Stories and notebook work. We have invested in each of your children having their own workbooks to use during class. Betsy provides crafts and activities including sending cards to those in need. The second part of our goal is to work with the children to understand the basics of music. We are currently learning "Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery". Our intent is to have them not only know the words, but understand the meaning behind them.

Grace Kids' Choir is an exciting opportunity for the children ages 4-12 to gather together and learn scripturally sound songs. Our choir leaders Mr. Skip and Ms. Deby are engaging, fun, and love serving our children through music! Grace Kids' Choir currently meets the first Sunday evening of the month at 6:00PM AND on the second Sunday of the month during Children’s Church at 10:00AM. No need to sign up or register -- simply bring your child, and they can join us in singing!

The children are currently working on learning “He Calls Me Friend” by CityAlight.