The Prince of Peace

Human history since Genesis 3, according to C. S. Lewis,  is the long terrible story of man trying to find his satisfaction and significance in something other than God. It is the story of man looking to himself for meaning or at least to determine his own meaning. For strong personalities and influencers, that meaning comes through the control and manipulation of others. To look back on the history of human government is - for the most part - an endless thread of hubris, intrigue, corruption and oppression.

So it is very good news when God announces to us that a child is born and a Son is given, and the government will be upon the shoulders of the One who is the Prince of Peace. His will be unending dominion over all the created order (Eph. 1:10). Shalom will be one of the chief characteristic of his perpetual reign, meaning, we who enjoy him will be forever in a state of completeness and soundness. We will be in his favor, his delight, and our satisfaction. It will be an eternal state of prosperity where we will know unfading security and perpetual novelty in the infinite One.

This is the longing at the core of every person because we are created in God's image. We exist for him, so it is in him that we find our highest purpose and deepest satisfaction. This ultimate reality can only be found in union with and submission to the Prince of Peace who came to us from the Father, and who did the work and paid the price necessary for our peace with God. So, in Christ, we can live a life of anticipation - even in the current, transient context of intrigue, manipulation, brokenness, and frustration.

On the other hand, those who live for themselves and demand life without the Prince of Peace will, in the end, get what they want. But here is what they don't know - because God is infinite, there is nowhere that he is not (Ps. 139:7-12). Those who deny or ignore the Prince of Peace will be eternally separated from his loving and satisfying presence, but his holy presence will be a perpetual consuming fire.

Surrendering to the Prince of Peace is the only life that can make sense of the journey. The brokenness and frustration of this present world is too much to bear without suppression of truth and denial of reality. Were it not for the One who is the anchor of our reality - the Prince of Peace -  there would be no prospect of inner peace. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts (Col. 3:15).

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