True, Right, and Good

The Bible instructs us to honor everyone (1 Peter 2:17).  Jesus said the whole law is summed up in two commands: love God and love your neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40).  Unlike the lawyer who – wanting to justify himself – tested Jesus by asking “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29), today the question is, what does it mean to love or honor? We need to discern what is truly loving and honoring in challenging cultural contexts.

Is it honoring to endorse one’s disobedience to Scripture? Is it loving to celebrate behavior that is contrary to God’s character and purpose?  Is it kind to endorse what God says is not good? We are not called to support or say what is not true or right.  In other words, we should not live by lies.

But here is the tension, if you abstain from saying or supporting what is not true or right – yet culturally popular, you take the risk of being branded as unloving, unkind, or even hateful – worthy of being shunned and silenced.

How do followers of Jesus Christ interact with the unbelieving community – being faithful to God and his word, yet gracious to fellow humans? We must recognize that faithfulness may come at a cost.

The Sunday Night Seminar, “How to Champion What is True, Right, and Good” addresses these questions, and is designed to equip you to make biblically faithful decisions and dialogue with a Christ-like disposition as these challenges arise in our day-to-day lives – work, home, extended family, and neighborhoods.

“How to Champion What is True, Right, and Good” is a three-part Sunday Night Seminar series beginning January 22nd at 6:00 p.m.

Start a conversation with this seminar. Follow up  that conversation  with 7 WORDS that can CHANGE YOUR LIFE or a podcast on the message of grace.