Change is inevitable…

From the necessary changes our bodies go through to the necessary changes our souls make – change is a necessary part of life. Not only is change necessary, but it is inevitable. Those who are in Christ are predestined to be conformed into His image. But how does that change happen? We know that we need to go from prideful to humble, from selfish to selfless, from complacent to passionate, but how does it work? Is there a process? A formula? For the months of October and November, our ABF will be working through the book, “How People Change” by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp. This class is open to anyone who has areas in their life that God is trying to address, or anyone who has ever asked the question, “Where do I start?” This class will also serve as the first track of our counselor training curriculum. So, if you are at all interested in serving as a counselor in our counseling ministry, please plan on attending this class. Books are available in the church's bookstore or you can purchase them online.