Benevolence Policy
In the interest of helping others, we do have a Benevolence Ministry in place. God's people have lovingly given offerings and we view it as God's money not ours. Therefore, we are required by God to be good stewards and those offerings are not to be given away unwisely, but with loving discernment.
Here are some important principles that are essential for you to understand. These policies are not intended to burden you - but to simply be a responsible way for us to discern needs and use God's money wisely.
We may help you, and this is how we will do it.
We will treat you with dignity and respect.
We will never give cash. Money is always paid to a third-party agency.
We do not say "yes" without prayerful evaluation that includes asking you to fill out an application and giving us permission to verify the information you have stated.
We will help with shelter, food, utilities and transportation. We don’t pay bills we deem unnecessary (i.e. home phone or cell phone, cable, etc.).
We will ask for you to take primary responsibility for your needs, and then turn to your family, BEFORE we involve church funds.
Acceptable reasons for rendering aid are:
Destruction of family residence
Medical treatment
Transportation to or from a place of employment
Funeral expenses
Initial evaluation and professional counseling appointments
Non-narcotic or non-addictive drugs
Complete an online application.
If requested, meet, either in person or via telephone, with a designated Committee Member who will contact you.
If requested, provide additional information to the Committee.
You will be notified by the Committee of their determination.
All approved monetary assistance will be paid to third-party such as utility company, store, etc.
We may help you, and this is how we will do it.
Refer you to the appropriate agencies (Welfare Department, Unemployment Office, etc.) that may be available or able to assist you.
Arrange for Ministerial counseling (as long as it is not to appeal the financial request), when requested.
Provide food gift cards or Food Pantry referrals if appropriate.
Provide one-time monetary assistance to a third-party.
Assistance is intended to be a gift. However, under no circumstances is a gift from Grace Bible Church to be considered a loan. No gift may be repaid, either in part or in full, in money or in labor. The Benevolence Committee will not provide help to anyone who, in its estimation, will have negative or irresponsible behavior reinforced by financial help. Those requesting help must be willing to give the Benevolence Committee permission to follow up on any information provided to the Committee. The Committee will be sensitive to confidential information.
If you wish to continue with this process read the disclaimer/release below and proceed to the application.
I hereby authorize the release of information to Grace Bible Church to receive the assistance I am requesting. I further certify the information I have provided is true and correct. I understand that Grace Bible Church may verify the information on this application and any deliberate misrepresentation of information will be subject to denial of assistance or services. I authorize Grace Bible Church to discuss my case with agencies, businesses, churches, attorneys, individuals, and any others deemed necessary to verify accuracy of information and/or identify additional sources of assistance. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grace Bible Church, its officers, agencies or individuals acting in its behalf in connection with this application. I agree that Grace Bible Church does not accept any responsibility for any loss related to or cause by reliance on the information provided. I have read, understand, and agree to the disclaimer/release and the Grace Bible Church’s Benevolence Policy. I understand this is not a contract for assistance, nor is assistance guaranteed. I understand the terms stated above under which I may seek assistance from Grace Bible Church.
If you agree to the above disclaimer/release please proceed to the application form.