May Sunday Night Seminar

Led by Pastor Bobby Locklear

The aim of this series will be to walk through Tim Keller’s immensely helpful book, Walking with God through Pain and Suffering.  

This seminar will have something for everyone. As Keller reminds us, “We are all sufferers, or we will be.” Using the biblical image of a furnace to guide us, we’ll look at the furnace of suffering ‘from the outside’, describing humanity’s varied attempts to account for suffering. We’ll see that our modern secular culture is poorly equipped to prepare us for suffering.

Moving from the theoretical to the personal, we’ll explore the Bible’s nuanced and compelling account of suffering. The God of the Scriptures is both a Just God, but amazingly, is also a God who suffers…  Finally, we’ll see biblical guidance for walking with God through the furnace. As Keller writes, “Suffering can refine us rather than destroy us because God Himself walks with us through the fire.”

This seminar will be held May 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th at 6:00 pm.  

Part One

Part Two